...in the church

Information on the worship and events taking place in the church

Let's go

...in Tideswell

Information about visiting Tideswel such as cafes, pubs and resturants

Let's go

...in the area

Information on visiting the local area such as Chatsworth, Otter Sanctuary

Let's go

What is the Tourist Information and how can I help?

We are hoping to build a fantastic directory of information for the the church, Tideswell and the local area to help visitors to Tideswell. The aim is to promote the wonderful village of Tideswell and historic importance of the Cathedral of the Peak.

We will be reaching out to local businesses, charities, organisations and generally to request your help in building this unofficial Tourist Information for Tideswell. If you are interested in sharing your favourite days out, promote your business or service then please let us know via emailing: touristinfo@cathedralofthepeaktideswell.org.uk.